
Nectar For The Gods

  • Triton's Trawl, gal

    Triton's Trawl, gal

    Triton's Trawl is a liquid fishbone bloom enhancement from Nectar for the Gods. It uses amino acids derived from fish cartilage to promote enhanced flavors, aromas and aesthetic quality.
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  • Zeus Juice, gal

    Zeus Juice, gal

    Containing humic acids and kelp extract, plants in both soil and hydroponic environments can benefit from this Nectar for the Gods fertilizer. Zeus Juice contains a full complement of metabolically active compounds that promote optimal nutrient...
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  • Athenas Aminas, gal

    Athenas Aminas, gal

    Whether used as a soil drench or in hydroponic systems, plants will benefit from hydrolysate-derived Athenas Aminas. This organic acid solution can be used on plants in both the vegetative and blooming phases.  
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